
Arcadia Earth Enhanced Experience
Also mentioned back in issue 29 was Arcadia Earth, which has recently launched an addition to their immersive experience that uses Microsoft HoloLens to add interactive holograms and mixed reality layers atop their award winning environmental storytelling platform.

Gustav Klimt: The Immersive Experience
Similar to the Van Gogh Experience (mentioned back in issue 32) this in-person event features the timeless work of the Gustav Klimt. Currently if you're in London, Las Vegas, or Los Angeles you see it now, but this summer it will be available in 16 cities. We're excited to see this painting master's artwork brought to life. There is also a VR component (similar to Van Gogh), though we feel it will be overshadowed by the larger projected experiences.

ARTECHOUSE | Home for Innovative Experiential Art
Back in issue 29 we featured ARTECHOUSE, and we're pretty stoked to see their new exhibit "Life of a Neuron" that opens May 14th in New York. Knowing that it was created in partnership with the Society of Neuroscience may give some pause but it actually is part of why we're interested in going.

Sandbox VR | In Here, It's Possible
Since we first featured Sandbox VR back in issue 30 they have grown from 9 global locations to 19 global locations with 8 more opening soon. They are a great at hosting small groups to experience full body VR in large rooms with lots of space to move around. We had a great time last when we went, and are going again this summer.

For those not quite ready to return to museums and galleries the VRMUSEUM is a massive virtual space roughly 10,000 square meters large (a large Manhattan city block, or 2 times the size of Bill Gates' house). Curated by the well known digital artist Boldtron you can experience virtual art and environments that are impossible to stage in reality.

OTHERWORLD | London's Best VR Experience, Arcade & Bar
OTHERWORLD is a mix between a massive virtual open world and theme park, and is becoming quite popular England destination for in-person VR. It is possible to bring a group of friends to use the play areas to play popular VR games, spread out across a virtual island for you to explore.

Hologate Singapore | Award-Winning Multiplayer Virtual Reality Games
This more traditional VR arcade venue has been gaining in popularity, and from the posts on social media looks like a really fun time for those in Singapore. Designed to allow experiences contained within a play area of only 25 square meters they may have hit on a good form factor that could bring VR experiences to places where space is limited.
It was round this time last year that we published an issue of the newsletter highlighting venues that allow room scale (and beyond) VR experiences. This will probably become an annual theme, possibly because the weather is becoming nicer in the United States, but mostly because we love experiences that allow us a large play space where we can interact with a group of friends both physically and virtually.
Some of the experiences we've featured before, and there are a few newer ones that we haven't visited. Yet. The world is opening back up and soon traveling will be allowed in more of the world. Japan is still famously closed for tourism but even if we can't fly to all of the countries we'd like to visit that is the great thing about VR. You can use it anywhere, and are not limited by location from having new experiences.
Thank you for reading and subscribing, and we'll see you next week!
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