
Businesses adopting the Metaverse has grown sharply in the last year in part due to remote work and the pandemic. Though that certainly added to the news about how companies reacted to remote work the groundwork and technologies put to use have been in the works for decades. As we also begin to see the push toward bringing employees back to offices the technologies that enabled remote collaboration will not be going away, and the momentum to adopt it further does not appear to be slowing.

Last December in his annual "Year in Review", among all his outlooks on the world, Bill Gates wrote that the majority of meetings will take place in the Metaverse within the next three years. In past issues we've covered companies making the path toward bringing the VR into the workplace easier to manage, and don't see any large problems with more companies capitalizing from an enhanced workplace within the Metaverse.

The only thing I can see getting in the way is when the coffee break also enters the Metaverse, and employers become paranoid about what they can't monitor. With reports of corporate spyware up 50% in 2021 only time will tell if we will also see an increase in companies offering monitoring services within VR.

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