
In case you haven’t been paying too much attention to the companies behind the two largest VR headsets in the U.S. you may have missed the news that sales and support for VR is very high. Facebook reports that the Quest continues to sell “beyond our expectations” and HTC is releasing a new headset this year with more details during next week’s ViveCon 2021 taking place in ENGAGE (featured in issue 17 of the newsletter).

All of this is great news for the makers of the headsets so many of us have been using to have experiences at home. Support for the industry has hit record heights, and has past the tipping point where major industries now see it as a viable way forward. Both for their future product research and for enabling connected experiences that would not be possible using only screens and mobile devices.

If you're reading this, you are a part of the force pushing us into a better future. Thanks for that.

Are you planning on attending ViveCon? We'd love to hear about it on Twitter, where you can also find more events and timely information that doesn't make the weekly newsletter. We are constantly adding new entries into the Other Realities Directory if you're casually looking for more VR content to explore. And if you have any suggestions for the directory feel free to send them our way.

Thank you for reading and subscribing, and we'll see you next week!

Other Realities





One More Thing